SOUNDS GameMaker Lite can only handle 2 different sounds for each project (the registered version can use up to 25 sounds), but you can use the same sound as many times as you like. If there are more than 2 different sounds in your game, only the first 2 will be displayed. NOTE: Sounds that are removed, recorded sounds, and imported sounds will not be saved in the project unless you save the entire project before quitting. USING THE "SOUNDS" MENU Selecting "Sounds…" in the "Go" menu displays a dialog window which allows you to remove, import, and record sounds for the current project. All sounds in the project will be listed in a pop-up menu in the window. Below is a description for each of the buttons in the window Remove This will remove the sound shown in the pop-up menu from the project. Import Displays a standard "Open" dialog window which lists System 7 sound files. Double-click on a file in the list (or press the "Open" button) to add the sound to your project. Only System 7 sound files can be imported using this method. Record You can record sounds from within GameMaker if you are using System 7.0 or later. You may also need a microphone if your Mac does not have a built-in one. If you want to record sounds from other devices, you will need to set the Sound control panel to the incoming device. Pressing the "Record" button will display a standard recording window. Record a sound and press the "Save" button. Another window will appear asking you to name the sound. Choose a name and press "OK" to add the sound to the project. Try Sound Plays the currently selected sound. Use this to sample the sounds in the list. ADDING SOUNDS USING OTHER SOFTWARE Sounds can be inserted into a GameMaker document as "snd " resources by using ResEdit or a sound mover program. Make sure the file you're adding sounds to is NOT currently open in GameMaker. Sounds added to a file that is already open will not be available and may be removed when the file is saved. This happens because GameMaker uses a temporary file to store information for the current project. Don't add sounds to GameMaker itself. They will not be listed in the pop-up menus. Sounds are listed and played by name so all sounds must have a name. Do not use an exclamation point, parenthesis, dash line (minus sign), or slash mark in a sound's name because they will not show up correctly in the pop-up menus and will not be able to be played. USING SOUNDS IN YOUR GAME Sounds can be played either when a button is clicked or when a card opens. Use the pop-up menu in the Card Info or Button Info windows to select a sound. If a sound command is encountered while a sound is already playing, the sound that is playing will be stopped so the new sound can be played. For example, suppose a button in card 10 is set to play a sound and then link to card 11. If card 11 is set to play a sound when the card opens, the previous sound will stop playing so the sound in card 11 can be played. You can select the "Delay while sound plays" option for the button's sound so that GameMaker will wait until the sound is finished before opening the next card. That will make sure both sounds are played. If a sound that's used in your game is renamed or removed from the file, the "Play sound" command will simply be ignored and no error will occur. SOUNDS IN YOUR APPLICATION When you create an application, GameMaker scans your game and selects only the sounds that are needed so that there are no unnecessary sounds in your application.